Greece Blog

My family and I went to Athens this winter between Christmas and New Year's. I wanted to incorporate Pokemon into my trip, so in the three or four months leading up to our trip I did some scouting on the Event Locator. I knew that the Italian SPE was going to be held in December with the date TBA, so I crossed my fingers that it would be held on the one weekend I would be in Greece so that I could fly there. Unfortunately, this was wishful thinking as the dates did not match up. This meant that I wouldn't be leaving Greece for the duration of my trip. What I discovered from the Event Locator is that there are two main haunts to play Pokemon in Greece: Athens and Thessaloniki. The latter is about a five hour drive away from the former, and we weren't planning to travel there, so any Pokemon I got to play would be limited to the Athens area. The Event Locator is your friend. Prereleases do happen in Greece, but no Premier Events occur outside of that at this t...