"An Evening March"- A Tournament Report From Plainsfield, IL

My report starts at six in the morning when I wake up, shower, and pack my lunch for the day. I live in Champaign, IL, which is about two hours south of Chicago. By 7:15 my mother and brother were awake and getting in the car with me, and we were off. Registration started at ten, and we got to the event about fifteen minutes before the doors opened. I meet up with my friends from Champaign and Manito, and then I filled out my deck list. 4 Lampent 4 Pumpkaboo 4 Joltik 2 Jirachi EX 4 Ultra Ball 2 Switch 4 Roller Skates 4 Pokemon Catcher 1 Bicycle 2 Muscle Band 4 Battle Compressor 2 Random Receiver 3 VS Seeker 1 Computer Search 4 Professor Sycamore 1 Lysandre 3 Dimension Valley 4 Double Colorless 2 Darkness 2 Fighting The list only played four draw supporters, and it relies on Ultra Ball and Jirachi to fish them out. Random Receiver was the backup plan to that, and VS Seeker reused Sycamores and the lone Lysandre. Round 1- Karl Kujak with Metal My opponent...