"Archie's Tulips"- How I Won a League Challenge in the Netherlands
By some stroke of luck, I haven't yet been to a League Challenge that I haven't won. There aren't any League Challenges that occur within a good hour and a half of me. This means that I have to travel a decent amount just to get to one. Since I returned to the game this year, I have attended a total of three League Challenges. My first one was a two-hour drive, after the release of Phantom Forces, where I brought my newly built Night March deck with four Professor Juniper, four Random Receiver, and four Roller Skates. I managed to go 4-1, which gave me the win. The second League Challenge that I attended was a bit further away from home, in Copenhagen, Denmark . I brought Night March again this time, and I earned a 3-1 record, giving me the win. I had a third opportunity this weekend to attend a League Challenge in the Netherlands, which was a wonderful change of pace. Our weekend in Amsterdam fortunately coincided with Dutch Nationals. The main ev